A while back, two sweet friends, and fellow bloggers (mangiabella and foodiehouse with Lauren) awarded me with this beautiful sunshine award. I was new to blogging and wasn't sure how to post it or how to pass it along. Well, now that I've learned a bit more (with much more to learn), I finally figured it out!~~ I can now pass this award along, and since I've received it twice, I hope that it's o.k. to pass it on in multiples!
First, in keeping with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to give the Sunshine Award to someone who inspires me daily. This beautiful woman is filled with faith, courage, strength and love. She is the mother of six beautiful blessings... (five boys and one girl)! She is also fighting the good fight right now as she undergoes treatment for breast cancer.
Stacy's blog: "His Way Not Mine" is an incredible testimony to the goodness of God. What more can I say?! Stacy is beautiful inside and out and I always learn something after reading her inspirational blog posts. Her faith is grounded and I have un-ending admiration for her strength! In honor of breast cancer awareness month I recommend you stop by and be encouraged...or share encouragement soon! Thank you Stacy, for spreading Sunshine and Shining Light into our world! http://hiswaynotmine.blogspot.com/
I've witnessed success stories first hand...and if you'll read the post below this, you'll also read about my close friend,Samantha, who beat this disease and is now helping others because of it!
Next: I would like to introduce to you a new blog: http://shannonsshanonigins.blogspot.com/
Shannon's blog is brand new and already has a nice following! She combines her many creative talents for a great how to blog for entertaining. Just ask Shannon if you need any suggestions for your next gathering!
Shannon has such a fun sense of humor. She has a unique way of creating beauty all around her while entertaining us with her fun personality! Shannon, I'm so glad you are using your creative gifts through your new blog and I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Of course, I've come to love so many wonderful blogs out there...and if it wasn't for my dear Mangiabella, I just might not be blogging today! :) Mangiabella combines her love for food with her love for life; she sets a mood of comfort and peace and spices it up with an added ingredient of humor here and there. Delightfully written. Do visit this blog and "taste life"! http://mangia-bella.blogspot.com/
And Foodiehouse with Lauren never ceases to inspire and entertain. Foodiehouse with Lauren is a colorfully written, entertaining food blog, which always brings a smile to my face. I always love stopping by to see what she is up to next! http://foodiehouse.blogspot.com/
The sun shines brighter because of their beauty! Girls, since it was you that originally gifted me with this sunshine award, and some time has passed, I think it's time for you to receive it once again!
Bless you both for your love and generosity!
Once again....this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Please don't forget about all the wonderful women who are fighting the good fight. They need our support and prayers! To all of you who continue to inspire us...MAY SUNSHINE AND GLADNESS BE YOURS!