A New Year approaches…
A New Start is available to me…
What --- Oh What Shall I Choose?....

After a time of solitude this morning, I was thinking about the road (s) that I’ve traveled in this life….about the twists and turns….wondering why I made certain choices which caused me to detour a few times throughout my youth. Some choices were good…some, not so good.
There were times as a young, single person searching for my place in life that I found myself in the presence of a type of “fast lane”, or maybe more appropriately called, "social ladder" ???

But when you come right down to it, there is a difference between
“standing out” and “fitting in”.

“God loves you even when you don’t know how to love. He gives you the best gifts even when you can’t give. He loved you before he made the world….why would he stop now? He won’t! But, it’s your choice. He waits there on the road to life…waiting to shower you with love and affection. No captive ever feels loved…they feel possessed….owned. So He waits….however eagerly…for you to choose Him.”
So...I chose... to call out to God...and ...
He came.
He didn’t join me there on the detour, but He took my hand and led me to the road my feet were created to walk on…the road which gives true life; life eternal; life abundant; grace; freedom; salvation; promise! I began to discover the real joy of the journey of life!
The entire time, He was waiting in the wings! I think a part of me knew it all along…but I thought I had a better plan. I didn't...
"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'
'Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
(Jeremiah 29:11-13)
His patience is amazing…As is His grace! How grateful I am!
Standing in the Wings
I woke up this morning to a feeling deep inside…
A voice within me said there is nowhere else to hide,
Offering me comfort if I’m ready to accept,
Asking me to let go of the sorrows that I’ve kept.
I can’t believe how years flew by before I noticed you…
Your arms stretched out to catch me when I fall,
And though the times I’ve managed to spend with you were few,
You stood by with patience to answer when I call.
Why would you want my burdens?
Why would you want my fears?
Why would you want to bear my pain?
Why would you want my tears?
You want to lift me from my desperation,
Despite the fact I’ve made no room for you…
You want to give my path illumination,
And show me what is good and pure and true.
My life was filled with things of little value.
Yet I clung to them as if they all were gold,
I turned my ears away from truth and wisdom,
And forgot about the good things I was told.
I wandered off without a purpose or direction,
And wasted years on chasing empty dreams,
I made no time for true reflection,
Just spinned my wheels devising sordid schemes,
And years flew by before I ever noticed,
You were standing right beside me in the wings.
I can’t believe how years flew by before I noticed you…
Your arms stretched out to catch me when I fall,
And though the times I managed to spend with you were few,
You stood by with patience to answer when I call.
I’m so grateful for your patience ~ you never left at all!
(written by Lorraine Brown ~ Copyright 2006)
When you are touched by Love of this magnitude…when you have felt it…when you understand it…when it penetrates your heart,
You want to give it.
You want to be the good that runs through His veins…
You want good to live throughout your life and never cease.
You want to be the good that runs through His veins…
You want good to live throughout your life and never cease.
(written by Lorraine Brown)