Veteran’s Day, 2010! A day I will never forget! I can’t begin to explain the sense of awe I experienced at this sunset! It compelled me to pull off to the side of the road and take as many snaps as I could before it drifted away! Just the fact that I had my camera with me was amazing! The wonderment that filled my mind at that moment; the inexplicable joy that captured my heart and filled me from head to toe with excitement! It wasn’t until after I snapped the first few that I realized the sky looked like a giant flag! :) Oh how beautiful, this gift from God! I felt Him saying “Happy Veteran’s Day America”! I wanted to yell out, “LOOK everyone…Stop and look at this marvel in the sky! Can you imagine better timing of this incredible sunset?!” Instead, I stayed quiet, snapping as many photo’s of this moment in time so that I could re-visit it again and again...and share it with you!
Sunsets ~ Glorious Sunsets!
I’ll never tire of God’s masterpieces on the canvas of His sky…
He paints us a new one every evening!
I’ll never tire of God’s masterpieces on the canvas of His sky…
He paints us a new one every evening!
I could not let this day go by without pausing to reflect on the sacrifice that our men and women in uniform have made and are making on our behalf. Freedom is not is paid for by the sacrificial acts of so many willing servants who love their country! May God bless each and every one of our troops and their families. Thank you to those who have served in every generation and who are serving now! God Bless America!
The stars shine bright...
In the darkness of a foxhole,
Or in the glow of celebratory light…
By the fireworks we ignite.
Some forget just what happened in the dead of night,
As the stripes remind us of their wounds,
And blood shed for freedom’s sake,
Today, as well as yesterday…
Make no mistake
Of the sacrifice they make,
While children play,
And music serenades,
As the marching band
Leads our parade...
Let us not forget,
nor hesitate to give thanks
And to celebrate...
The freedoms won by our strong and brave
Of every race and every age...
May we never forget the sacrifice they made.
We salute them we bow
Our heads for grace,
And we take our place...
At the bountiful table
Preserved for us by a remembered face...
Some with us now,
And some we will wait to embrace!
(written by Lorraine Brown/copyright 2010)

photo challenge today!
This week: A photo that captures a moment your heart would like to remember, a photo that captures the ordinary of your ordinary,
or anything that says to you...
"this moment"!
Lorraine I am truly speechless, what a magnificent reminder of His majesty and splendor...I cannot believe how perfect that sky is for today...and your poem brought tears to my eyes...this would be a remarkable song....thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us, and yes, it is HIS beauty that catches us by surprise, calls to us, shouts to us, and makes us long for more...
Oh I just wanted to shout with my terms, Bravo, Bravo God!!!
How beautiful...and you were able to catch it in your camera.
Yes..thanks for the Veteran's Day post!
What a great picture...thanks for sharing it with us and for reminding everyone to remember the sacrifices our forces have made. Both my parents served their country. My father taught me the important things in life , were God, Country and Family.
Thanks again for a great post
That is breathtaking, Beautiful Lorraine! Your amazing
What a beautiful poem Lorraine; and thanks for sharing a picture that shows the glorious splendor of our savior. Praise God for our veterans.
I also wanted to thank you for your visit and gracious comment. Have a blessed week:)
That is one of the coolest pictures I've seen... and yes, it does seem to say that God is paying attention, even to our earthly celebrations! I can't think of a finer way to remember those who've given so much to protect our freedoms. We live in a large military community, so I'm always being reminded of that...
Blessings to you this week~elaine
He truley is an artist beyond compare. What a God!!
Absolutely amazing! This was an incredibly beautiful post, Lorriane. I can't get over that sky! It was a very special day. My daddy is a veteran, so it's always close to my heart. I wanted to tell you how following your updates on Herb has really touched me heart. I've been praying for him and his wife. I've had a horrible time getting on the RWOP website. just know I'm thinking of you and love ya!
I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd
Your post is wonderful. To go along with your post, a heartwarming video for you to watch. I haven't figured out how to download it... so here is the address. A must view!
Again, I thank you for all of your support. Marie Zane
stopping by from SITS. I appreciate your positive attitude.
Wow...really beautiful post and picture!!
That was absolutely beautiful!!!! Amazing poem too =]
I love the sunset photo and especially how it ties to Veterans Day almost three weeks ago. Keep up the great work!
Beautiful sky, photo, and thoughts! God is so good!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! The sunset is amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Breathtaking, Lorraine! I'm so glad you linked up at the LENS challenge!
So incredibly amazing. Truly a moment to treasure.
wow, that sunset is just beautiful! Amazing, really! thank you for sharing it with us :)
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